Let's Check-in Here, are you feeling:

  • Feeling emotionally blocked or stuck: can't open up or fully experience love, even though you want to?

  • Struggling with past heartbreak or trauma: you can’t seem to heal from my past relationships or move forward from emotional wounds.

  • Difficulty receiving love and abundance: It just feels off when you try to attract in any relationship, there's doubt, jealousy, paranoia and you just don't feel WORTHY or DESERVING OF IT.

  • Overwhelmed by unbalanced energy: disconnected from your feminine energy, or you're too stuck in my masculine side, constantly hustling and not receiving

  • Low self-esteem and lack of self-love: Are you putting others first, neglecting your needs or feeling like you have a hard time loving yourself fully?

  • Struggling with relationships (romantic or otherwise): you say things like: I keep attracting the wrong people, or my relationships never seem to be as fulfilling as I hope

It's Time for your Heart Awakening

We need to talk ;)

When I was going through my own lessons on Heartbreak, there was nothing that could satisfy the feeling I was facing: Emotionally Numb, Disconnected in all my relationships and A HUGE LACK OF SELF-LOVE, creating self-destructive behaviors as a result.... What I slowly realized during that time period?

I needed to Heal my heart and forgive the people who hurt me or caused me pain...

Including....Spoiler Alert: MYSELF


This workshop will help you open up to more Love

  • Open Your Heart Chakra and Release Emotional Blocks

    Break free from the emotional weight of the past. The Heart Awakening course helps you clear away old wounds so you can fully experience love, compassion, and joy in your life.

  • Heal Past Heartbreak and Emotional Trauma

    Allow yourself to heal on a deep level. This bundle provides powerful tools to help you let go of past pain, opening the door to a brighter, more loving future.

  • Cultivate Self-Love and Abundance

    Learn to receive love and abundance by healing your heart and connecting with your inner worth. This bundle supports you in transforming your relationship with yourself, so you can attract healthy, loving connections.

  • Restore the Balance Between Masculine & Feminine Energies

    Achieve inner harmony by balancing your feminine energy with your masculine power. Whether you’re over-giving, too passive, or caught in constant action—this bundle shows you how to find balance and flow, allowing you to attract more peace, power, and love into your life.

  • Nurture Your Inner Goddess and Reclaim Your Personal Power

    Through the Divine Feminine Rising course, you’ll reconnect with your intuitive, creative, and nurturing side. Step into your feminine power, letting go of fear and stepping into your full potential.

  • Create Lasting Transformation in Your Love Life

    Explain the value your additional content will bring to a student's overall learning experience. Use this opportunity to sell potential students on the extra bWhether you're healing from past relationships or stepping into new ones, this bundle will guide you to make powerful shifts, creating healthier and more fulfilling connections in all areas of your life.

Heart Expansion Begins with You

Expansion never looked so good - When your Heart is wide open,

There are conversations that need to be said,

Worthiness. Enoughness. Feeling Good Enough to Receive. 

These things are all the same thing, disguised as different words - 

Your ability to Accept yourself As you are. Where you are. Who you are.

Deep within your core of Who you are.

It is time to Awaken your Heart - 

Awakening our Heart Charka is a layering process of reclaiming your Sovereignty, 

It’s about digging deep into your soul and reclaiming your own Throne, Choosing to Lead your Life. 

The Heart space seems to be sticky, it seems to lead so many astray, lowering our boundaries, our standards, and what we feel we are capable of to attract love, to receive, to give, in every area of our life. not just romantically.

It's about the worth game. The feelings of being truly good-enough

We forget our power in the process and that we can change it all around,

All these constructs around ‘worthiness’ and ‘being good enough’

Earning Success
Triumphing Love,
Healing our self-esteem,
Accepting our body,
Filling our mind with wisdom and knowledge,
Releasing the sabotage,

It all begins with understanding the Heart space

The Heart is the Bridge between the Spiritual World and the physical plane, which means the more we energetically clear up the heart? 

You begin activating your Natural Abilities of Giving and Receiving in your Life

The more we open up the heart, we don’t just shift ourselves, we begin to shift the energetic conversations we’re having with reality, 

The Heart expands the moment - we reclaim ourselves, 

The moment we go beyond the healing and into the void of our own EXPANSION, 

We go deeper into the Energetics, beyond the Love of self, into

The core structures you’re working with, 

and into the QUANTUM, we Expand - We Open. 

And in the opening - we Allow in the Good. 

We stop looking for problems, we start building up solutions. 

We begin to raise our standards, we enforce our boundaries,

we start to change the magnetism we’re creating, 

And in that space, - we naturally begin to expand our capacity of receiving in whatever we desire

The Heart Shifts we experience - are a reclamation of Self- Acceptance

Join me on a Journey into the Portal of Your Heart Chakra -

Where we shall go into the workings of What makes the Heart Expand, soften, and Open up towards more Love, Abundance, Receiving, and changes the dynamics in our relationships, 

Not just romantic relationships but every relationship we have with life itself,

Unblock the Sabotage to Allow in the flood of Receiving

Release the unconscious blocks around your Heart to fall deeper and deeper into

Your unapologetic Desires

Open up the Gates of ALLOWING & ACCEPTING IN 

As you crack your own code of Giving and Receiving


Healing the Heart has many Layers

As I've been on a conscious journey understanding the Chakra System for the last 11 years, The Heart chakra is what started it all for me: 

From Healing deep worthiness wounds,
Feeling unlovable, 

Body Shame, 

Self-sabotaging habits,

Self-hatred, lack of acceptance and criticism.

I understand the principles of the Healing the Heart Chakra like no other. I know that when we start to heal the Heart chakra, it goes much deeper than simply saying "Go Love yourself" and looking in the mirror more.

It is an energetic deep dive journey into uncovering and unlocking the hidden gems of the Heart Chakra.

Healing and Expanding the Heart Chakra Brings in:

  • Deeply loving fulfilling relationships
  • Healing External Validation & Approval
  • A deeper love of yourself and your body
  • Improving Relationship Attraction around: Career, Clients, Romance, etc.
  • Raising your Standards to Fully Own your Worth
  • Deeper Capacity to Allow In Receiving.
  • Strengthening your Energetic Relationship dynamic of Giving and Receiving


This may sound unconventional, but I truly believe the Heart goes way deeper than just self-love.

Self-Love is the component that Begins to bring a cascade to Flood wide open:

More Self-confidence
Self- Acceptance

and Being self-LED

The Heart Chakra is the bridge of understanding BOTH the Spiritual World and the Physical World. 

It is the crossing point where we can learn to EXPAND our Energetic Giving and Receiving Capacity in How we're manifesting in our life

While also Healing our:

Worthiness Wounds

Dynamics in our Relationships

Our Emotional Relationship to Ourselves

Our Acceptance of Who we are

Overcoming self-sabotage and ways we unconsciously block ourselves in any type of relationship, such as:

Romantic, clients, career, family, friendship, our personal emotional relationship to ourselves, etc. 

The Heart chakra Holds a Lot of Power for How  we Give and Receive in our Lives and the energetic exchanges we create in every relationship in our lives.  

There is an Energetic Conversation happening where we are giving and Receiving  in every area of our lives. 

How to Change it, lives in The Heart Chakra Space.

10 Day Interactive Workshop

Let's Heal & Expand Your Heart Chakra

Join me for 10 days of Expanding Wide Open the Heart Chakra Space - An interactive workshop experience LIVE. Receive 5 Live trainings with me, along with 5 days of Pre made Soul Work Prompts, Audios, Meditations Diving Deep into the Next Level Teachings of the Heart Chakra.

This workshop will Help You:

Heart Awakening: Step into Love, Own Your Worth & Expand Your Receiving Capacity

  • Understand your Worthiness “blocks” and How to Shift Them

  • Deepen your sense of Self-love, Self-worth, self-acceptance and care through Energetic work and Magnetism.

  • Dive into the Magnetism of Love, Acceptance, Allowance, Giving and Receiving, Emotional Identity,

  • Heal Self-sabotage and ways we unconsciously block ourselves in any type of relationship: Romantic, Clients, Friendship, Career, etc.

  • Next Level Teachings of the Heart Chakra: Think Mindset, Belief work, Embodiment & Manifesting Magnetism

  • Unblock the Sabotage to Allow in more naturally Increasing your Receiving Capacity for what you're calling in

  • Emotional Mind-body Healing of the Heart Space around areas such as: Approval Seeking, Validation, & Attachment




    Receive Five Live Interactive Video Trainings with Ashley, personally in a group setting over a 2 week period together.


    Receive 5 Live trainings with me where you can ask me questions, along with Soul Work Journal Prompts, Workbooks, Audios, Meditations & Video


    Receive access to your membership portal with a special log in, where you have easy access to your Video Lessons, Soul Work Prompts & Action steps. Along with Lifetime Access.



Receive the ultimate Heart Chakra Bundle

  • Awareness on The Heart Chakra

    Receive the Heart Chakra Bundle which includes all Previous Teachings & Lessons I've created on the Heart chakra from The ultimate chakra Academy. Learn All about The Heart chakra daily habits, practices, healing tools and more!

  • Heart Chakra Energy Clearing Audio

    Empower the Chakras Energy Clearing: My Unique Energy Clearing Invocation Audio is designed to Release unconscious patterns& Let go of Stagnant Energy within the heart Chakra

  • Empower the Heart Guidebooks

    You Receive the Emower the heart Chakra guidebook which includes journal prompts, mantras, the right oils, yoga asanas, actions steps, Daily healing tools to amplify the heart chakra space. Along with the Heart chakra Daily Habits Guidebook Prompts from the masterclass


Buy Heart Awakening Workshop & receive Divine Feminine Rising Masterclass FREE

  • 50 Min Lessons on Balancing Mas/Feminine Energy

    Receive 5 Lessons (50mins each) on Balancing the Masculine and Feminine Energy. Along with a in-depth Workbook to help you take action!

  • Bonus WORKBOOK

    Receive a 36 Page Workbook on divine Feminine and Masculine Practices so you can get started with Energy work today!

  • Learn About your Energy Rhythms

    Explore How to Open up more to Receiving, Understand Kundalini Flow with ida and pingala, & Allow in more BALANCE in your Relationships, productivity and rest cycles! Very powerful for energetic sensitive.

This is a workshop unlike anything I've ever done before, 

There are New Lessons, Knowledge, codes and downloads i've been receiving on the Heart Chakra, A New Paradigm is Rising,

Now is a time to open up a conversation and Share them

Join me below,

Chakra Queen Behind these Programs:


Hi! My name is Ashley Aliff, I’m the creator behind Theawakenedstate.net. I'm a mindset empowerment coach, energy healer and manifesting expert. I help Awakened Empaths release emotional blocks & activate their intuitive gifts through Mind-Body Healing, Energy Work, & Manifestation Practices. 

After mentoring & studying on these topics for over 11 years, I understand the practical & energetic side of the Spiritual World. I have Healed & manifested incredible things through understanding Manifestation & Mind-body Emotional Healing. I know that when you begin to change your Internal State Amazing things can begin to happen in your reality.

I can teach you to shift energy, step into emotional empowerment, unlock your desires, nourish soul, activate your gifts and learn to heal your wounding that
is keeping you stuck in negative inducing stories that are out of alignment with who you truly are.

In my experience, once we begin to Shift the internal Energetics, we naturally expand our capacity to receive in life,
raising our standards and boundaries across all areas. This is what it means to begin living a Soul-aligned Life.

If you’ve ever been someone who feels powerless over your energy, you feel overwhelmed due to your hypersensitivity, I completely understand! I was there too, but I also know we carry immense power to transform our lives from the inside out. It starts with you and your energy.

I am here to show you what is possible.



  • Is this the same Material as covered in Empower the Chakras?

    The 10 day journey is NEW Material. The only material from Empower the Chakras is directly in the Bonus bundle, everything else is Brand new Topics on the Heart Chakra I haven't covered before. These are ONLY available inside The heart Awakening workshop and adds on next level teachings to the energetic work we covered in The Ultimate Chakra Academy.

  • What If I’m a newbie or beginner to the Chakras, do I need a basic chakra understanding first?

    No, this shouldn't be a problem if you are brand new or never heard of the chakras before. I will be giving a basic Foundation understanding of the chakra system and energetic deep dive into the Heart Chakra Space.

  • What If I have more questions about the Workshop?

    More questions? Email support@theawakenedstate.net